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The fulfillment of documents :

These are:
    * Birth certificate
    * Six (6) recent photos 4x6
    * Filling in the application forms and testimony

High quality

Baron language school






KG's documents must be submitted during

june every year.

The child shouldn't be less than 4 years on 1st october of the same year

Applicants for KG1 will go through general classifying process that will be held by the Educational directorate according to age .If there are vacancies after the first classification , a second and a third ones will take place .The results will be announced on 1st July till the middle of the month . Parents whose children have been accepted should pay the schools fees within a week after the announcement of classifying

  Second : Conditions of Transfer To Our School :

1- The availability of a place in the same grade .
2- A Letter of transfer from the student's school accredited and stamped from the Educational directorate the student belongs to .
3- Getting out a statement of success from the Educational Directorate in which the student was registered .
4- The fulfillment of the file and paying the school fees .
5- Birth certificate and 4 photos .




Third : Conditions ( Prerequisites ) of Transfer From Our School .

1- Filling in a transfer application from our school ( The original and 3 copies ) then having it accredited from the school the student wants to transfer to and also the Educational Directorate to which the school belongs .

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